So after training and obviously showering I needed to do something quick as I ran out of time. I will try to squeeze in some time for some more creative, BOOM - type looks ey-sap!
I choose not to do them after the little one's bedtime in the evening as the lighting by then is so poor that is such a shame to have created something amazing either technique wise, colourwise of both, and the the lighting washes most of it out and it won't show in the pictures. I might do photography as a hobby but I don't have a studio at home I'm afraid. I don't even have studio type ligthing or any type of lighting that would be suitable for this type of photography.
As previously stated in my last post, if someone in,-and or around Helsinki fancies being made up for free, either with me having free hands over your face or you wanting something specific, give me a shout. Or just politely and quietly reach out to me though the comment box on the right hand side. Whichever you prefer. I'm loud myself so I enjoy both equally loud ones and giving my poor pretty ears a nice break with some calmer types too...
xx Bettina