28 May 2014

Today's nails.

So I've got my apricot oil from Essie on, hence some small bits of dirt etc attached to my nails not looking picture perfect but hey ho. It won't kill you to look at :)

I've got Essie's millionails as base coat, two layers of Maybelline's Forever Strong PRO in 610 Ceramic Blue and Essie's Quick-e drops + Apricot oil after nails were all dry. 

Lovely light blue to match the denim on denim going on right now. 

xx Bettina

26 May 2014

Bad internet

So I have these bad news about the Internet of where I'm at. I actually do have Internet... On my phone. The one on my laptop doesn't work and connecting my phones interned to my laptop didn't work either. It was too slow to get online. Hence, this week will be a bit slow. I don't want to post rubbish iPhone pictures of pretty makeups on here. I'm all about quality. Not quantity. But since I don't want to go a full week without any posts I will sacrifice certain products and as in this post, my nails for some horrific quality images. The dent on my pinky was a screw up on me but hadn't the chance to redo the whole nail so I just filled it in. 

So the Essie quick-e drops... Amazed. I'm amazed. The morning after I painted them within an hour of going to bed they had so little sheet marks that they looked slightly more matte than the glossy finish they should've. But nothing too obvious. I added a new coat that evening and same thing again only a little less matte than that morning. I've kept them untouched like this for nearly four days now. And whoever has a toddler knows what ones hands and nails go through in just a day. All the washing, scrubbing, cleaning, playing, you name it. It's amazing that I haven't had anything done to touch them up or completely redo them up until now. Just a tiny chip on two nails in total. Both on left hand which is a surprise since I'm right handed...
Normally, my nails would've chipped the first day!!
Today is nail pampering day. Out with the old, in with the new. Hand cream and lots n' lots of Essie's Apricol oil! 

xx Bettina

22 May 2014

Essie review !

Ok, so here's two products I'm usin from Essie. One is a nail strengthening base coat called Millionails, that I have absolutely nothing bad to say about after using it for a few weeks. The ONLY product claiming to strenghten the nail that not only doesn't make my neails weaker, peel-y and break, but actually seems to have made them slightly stronger. Not too amused about the price of it though at around 17-20 € depending on where in Finland you buy it AND if I'm not a complete utter lier, as I have to admit, I can't remember what it costs. I got it on offer so I think I payer around 13-14 € for this. Even so, as it seems to only have positive effects on my nails, I can over come the price and eat and drink bread and water for a week or so, if necessary.

The second one is one that is on offer (with Plussa card at Anttila) now, or was still just a few days ago, at the price of 14€ (can't find the receipt anywhere and Anttila does not have this particular Essie product on their website...) Essie Quick- e drying drops !

I tried out the drops last night half an hour BEFORE BED !!!  As you may remember I wrote a little about my nail and polish problems here, and these drops, Lo and Behold, actually work like tiny very oily drops of magic ! I've only used it once so far, last night. But will wipe off my nail polish from today and try it out again right now as we speak. Will keep you posted about this wonder product but so far I am beyond amazed. A little insane prize, but for someone who can not use nailpolish unless i have 12 hours to lie around and literally do nothing so that the polish can dry, this one is an out of this world super trouper amazeballs have to have nail essential!

This is what it promises ;
"in a rush? set your mani super fast with these salon professional drying drops & be on the go in 60 seconds. apply after polish and top coat, use drops to seal manicure in a flash and enhance shine."

- Read here .

I'll keep you posted.

xx Bettina

21 May 2014

Hello world, hope you're listening.

 Yesterdays look. Have a lovely day everyone! I'm off to work.

xx Bettina

Tips !

So as I was flicking through some new blogs I stumbled upon one telling about this new under eye-hide your bags- amazeballs-three toned- creme thingy that she'd gotten. She had lovely pictures, step by step on how to use the product (no makeup blogger) and I reacted on how she used the small brush that came with the under-eye concealer. Dabbing it in the product and applying to her face and over again. Probably as far too many people do. Using the same brush directly into the creamy products and as we all know, are far too lazy to wash their brushes even for about.... let's face it, you'd easily go 6 months without doing it? some even more! Oh, the horror!

I know this is a really really hard thing to do beacuse as you don't see the bacteria they're just not there, right!?

Please people please ! Use a q-tip (cotton bud) and DON'T double dip!! Or like me, use the back of one of your brushes and put a small amount on the back of your hand and you can then use whatever brush you want and double dip as any times as pleases you!

Dry products are easier to keep hygienic but as any damp or wet thing in a warm-ish place,- it's paradise for bacteria and your double dipping is like a 5 star all inclusive hotel ! FOR FREE !

The products go bad much much much quicker and... is your skin dry? dry patches? small unusual breakouts? - Q-TIP PEOPLE I'm telling you... Even if you can't see it !

And never ever stick your finger in it! 

As you can tell, I'm scraping off the amount of lipstick i want, putting it on the back of my hand and applying it with a lip brush. I do this whether it's for myself or for someone else. My lipsticks always stay fresh and hygienic!

Eyeshadow primer,- same thing.

xx Bettina

We'll be doing what we do Just pretending that we're cool .

OK, so it's been a rotten few days. Blogwise that is. I'm sorry for that guys. I'm not gonna go into any details as this is not a lifestyle blog and I'd like to keep it that way. I want to share my knowledge and inspiration as well as to inspire others. I hope I can do so!

Hope you enjoy yesterdays look ;

Have a lovely day every one .

xx Bettina

16 May 2014

Sorry guys !

I'm having a bit of personal things going on, meaning I'm not really having the time for makeups right now. Will be back on track ASAP! Bare with me please. Go back and look through my posts from the beginning!

xx Bettina

13 May 2014